Less than a week after this house turned out to be a dud, another beautiful house popped up just around the corner. We went to inspect it on Monday night with Tom's dad, mum and step-dad. We put an offer in on Tuesday and yesterday found out that the owners had accepted our offer!!
I can't believe it.. This is the first house we have ever bought and the first time we had ever put an offer in. Lots of our friends had warned us that finding the right home takes months or even years of putting in offers and being knocked back.. So we were so incredibly happy (and a little in shock) to find out that our offer had been accepted and the house is (almost) ours!
I've been told that I can't celebrate just yet.. Our offer has been accepted and we have put a deposit down but until the conditions of the offer have been met and settlement occurs I can't technically call it ours, but I think that we can still pop open a little champagne (or orange juice in my case!)
I can't even begin to tell you how much of a dream come true this house is.. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would ever live in a house like this, let alone own it! I was lying in bed last night looking through the pictures of our new place (I'll post some more photos soon) and as I was lying there I could feel our little baby boy kicking in my tummy..
For the first time in a very, very long time I finally feel like life is going our way.. things are falling into place and all the stress and heartbreak of the last few years is finally starting to fade.
12 months ago we were living out of a suitcase at Tom's parents place, had just moved to a city where I didn't know a single person, were still in shock over the death of our baby girl, didn't have a cent to our names (in fact, we were in debt) and the only thing that I could think about was why I was not falling pregnant again and how I desperately longed for a little baby..
To be sitting (well, lying) here now, 28 weeks pregnant, which is over the risky stage and so close to having a healthy little baby in my arms and having just had our offer accepted on our dream house is an incredible feeling. I can't even begin to tell you how good it feels.
We may still be living with Tom's parents but it has allowed us to save up for this house and have help around while I have been on bed rest.. and it will all be so worth it.. In just a few months time we will be sitting in our new home with our darling little baby boy safely in my arms and our gorgeous little girl running around in a garden that is bigger than most of the apartments we have ever lived in!!
We are so, so close..
This is just wonderful news! What a beautiful house, can't wait to see more pictures:-)
So thrilled your happy. By the way, I have been making the washing powder you posted and am loving it!
Wow - I am beyond excited for your family. What a fabulous way to end such a tough couple of years. New beginnings for a family of four in a new house.
Enjoy every minute of this stage.
Oh how unreal....so excited for you all. Being able to bring your baby boy home to your OWN place will be magical. Congratulations!!
Incredible news!! I am so happy for you- you and your gorgeous family definitely deserve all the happiness that comes your way! xx
Congratulations Katie and Tom!!! Super news! That is a lovely house. I fully expect to see Sophie twirling around in the garden someday, dancing to her own music! What absolutely stellar news!
Hooray! Congratulations guys!
Awesome news!! Congrats :)
Oh Katie I am so, so, so, so happy for you guys. This is such a testament to riding out the tough times, your time of bliss has arrived and you should revel in it. You deserve nothing but happiness with your little family in your new home. Everything falls into place, eventually, I'm telling myself that at the moment. We by no means are going through what you went through but we're just plodding along, a little bit lost, doing a bit of soul searching in our travels, just trying to find our way, our home and eventually a family to fill it up. I know that the journey will make the destination all the more sweet. Happy days x
yay friend! so glad you're feeling good about this :)
Yay! Such a sweet looking home! xo Beck
That's wonderful news Katie. I'm so very happy for you that everything is falling into place and you are feeling so inspired, hopeful and happy x
Such fantastic news Katie, so happy for you guys. It gives me hope that our dreams will one day be realised too.
ohh how exciting!! congrats! the house looks gorgeous :)
This is so special. I think you are right that everything is falling into place. And boy do you deserve it. You new home is so gorgeous. It's the sort of home that I would fall in love with as well.
So a big massive congratulations. xx
This is so amazing, I am so happy for your little family! Wish you lots of happiness and joyful moments in your new place! So glad to hear you're feeling fine and healthy :)
Congratulations. Having your own home again will be such a treat. We lived in a flat attached to my parents house for 4.5 years while we saved and got through the process of building our home. Whilst I was grateful for the opportunity it was such a relief to move into our own home last year. Can't wait for a grand tour.
Congrats to you and Tom. Glad to hear things are finally going your way. Rainstorm, rainbow, etc etc. :) Good luck with the finalization on the house!
Congratulations on your new home! It is milestone in one’s life when on finally gets to own a home the first time around. Well, it seems that you made the right choice! Sometimes, the things destined for us are those which suddenly come in an instant. Cheers!
Such wonderful news Katie. Absolutely thrilled for you. The house looks divine - can't wait to see more shots xxx
congratulations! it looks beautiful...so happy for you. :)
Hugest of HUGE congratulations to you. How wonderful.
What fantastic news! It looks absolutely gorgeous, and what beautiful roses out the front. Congratulations!
So happy for you. It looks gorgeous. Can't wait to see more photos of the place! :) x
oh, congratulations, I'm so happy for you. It's so exciting having your own place, where you can do whatever you like. It's a gorgeous home...and I'm sure your little family will have many happy days there. All the best.
Yes so happy for you Katie. Your post brought tears to my eyes. The house looks wonderful and here you are at 28 weeks! Congratulations xx
Oh hello gorgeous girl, just found you via Amanda's blog, look at your new place, stunning & yes, life can exist outside of Sydney, we started with Darwin, Brisbane now very happy in Canberra, just the right pace for our family of 6. Love Posie
What a picture perfect home for a gorgeous family of four! So happy for you x
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