Despite my serious face in this photo, I am feeling pretty good at the moment!
Tomorrow I will be 28 weeks which is a huge milestone for us as the whole way through this pregnancy my obstetrician has said "you just need to get to 28 weeks" and here we are! We made it!
Of course, we are aiming for a healthy full term little boy but if I did go into labour early we have a good chance of everything turning out okay now that we have got to this point.
I was also told that from this point onwards I am allowed to start getting out of bed a bit.. but when I saw my obstetrician last week he told me I should wait till 32 weeks before I start getting out of bed.. The sneaky man, I'm sure he does that on purpose! (You know.. tells patients that they can get up from 28 weeks and then when they get there he says "Oh actually I meant 32 weeks". I wonder if I will get to 32 weeks and he will say 36 weeks?!)
Anyways.. we are on the home stretch now! Feeling very excited and a little more relaxed.
YOu look fantastic. It can't be easy staying in bed so long, but you are soooooo close now xx
You look gorgeous, Katie. Not long to go now :) xo
YAY 28 weeks! You and that boy bump are looking gorgeous :)
Yay! Congrats on reaching that milestone! Hope the reat of the pregnancy passes as quick and smooth as possible!
Yay 28 weeks! Wonderful news, so happy for you!! hope the next few weeks until week 32 pass quickly :)
This is really amazing! Congratulations...
When I visited your blog the other day (well, it was actually when I found it), I remember hoping to read this post soon! I am really happy for you! Keep resting, you made it through the hard bit, now time will just fly and in no time you'll be an excited 36 week (in-a-few-days) mommy to be! :)
So glad you're at this milestone, all safe and sound. Fingers crossed we won't meet this little man for a while yet though. So happy to hear you're feeling well and positive. Much love xx
Congratulations Katie on reaching this special milestone, you must be bursting with happiness and anticipation in meeting your sweet baby boy! Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy, eyes on the prize ;)
Congratulations on the milestone- you have come so far! xx
Yah! Hope the next few weeks flies for you. I'm sure you've mastered the art of finding stuff to do by now ;) Youlook gorgeous!
You did it! And looking absolutely beautiful there x
That's so great. Well done. You look fantastic too. Cheeky obstetrician. :)
Rock it!!! I'm so pleased 28 weeks is here. I don't know you but you've put a smile on my face this sunny sunday morning.
So happy to read this - boo-ya!
A new reader, but one that can understand what this means for you. Congratulations and keep it up! I hope the bed rest gets easier as you get closer to your due date.
You look amazing Katie! I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you. Not that much further now :)
So lovely to see you looking so beautiful and healthy. Here's to another four weeks in bed and then a bliss filled remaining pregnancy and birth :-)
So glad to hear you made it this far and all is well. You can do it! Thumbs up from here in Vienna/Austria!
You are looking so gorgeous and glowingly healthy. This post made me smile because a friend of mine fell pregnant for the first time at age 39 - with twins! And had a bit of a tricky start to the pregnancy and was told the same thing as you 'you just need to get to at least 28 weeks'. Her babies were born naturally at 41 weeks!! Keep up the great work of taking such good care of yourself and your babe. x
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