When we lived in Sydney the idea of buying a house was a fantasy.. one that we thought might become possible in 10 years time when I was back at work and Tom's salary had doubled (wishful thinking), but like many of our friends, Tom and I had accepted that buying a house was not an option for us and resigned ourselves to be (apartment) renters for the foreseeable future.
When we moved to Perth early last year we planed to stay with Tom's dad (in the most gorgeous house that Tom had grown up in- see here) for a few weeks while we looked for somewhere to rent. After a couple of weeks looking around it became clear to us that the amount we would be paying in rent would be pretty close to having a mortgage. We spoke to the bank and realised that a small mortgage was not out of our reach at all.
The only problem was that we didn't have a deposit saved, so we decided we would stay with Tom's dad for 6 months while we put away as much money as we possibly could. (Luckily, it's a seven bedroom house so there was plenty of room for us to settle in).
It was only a few months later that we found out that the next time I fell pregnant I would have to be on full bed rest. We had only just lost Grace shortly before moving to Perth and were already desperately trying to fall pregnant again. We decided that we would stay with Tom's dad (and Tom's little sister) until I fell pregnant and while I was on bed rest as we would need SO much help once I was sentenced to 6 months in bed!
The plan would work out quite well as we would spent the whole time saving a deposit and by the time I was due to give birth we would be more than ready to buy our first home. Living with Tom's dad was easy.. we get on really well and he lives in the most beautiful suburb with the local primary school across the road and a beautiful lake about 50m from the front door (the same primary school that Tom went to as a kid and the same park that Tom played in as a child). Because Tom had grown up in the same house he felt right at home, I made lots of friends in the local area and Sophie thought that going to the same school that her dad went to was the best thing ever.
What we did not plan on is the fact that 12 months later I would still be TRYING to fall pregnant. (and that our lives were literally 'on hold' until I did).
Of course, as you all know, I finally did fall pregnant and here I am 4 months through bed rest.
It means that we will have been living with Tom's dad for almost 2 years by the time we move out. (So much for a few weeks!!)
There are days when I long for our own house, our own space and to finally have all our stuff out of storage but I am lucky that I get on with Tom's parents so well and that we have had the opportunity to save some money and live with family while I am on bed rest (and require so much help). In a funny kind of way it worked out quite well. (Well, hopefully it will when, at the end of this year, we have a beautiful little baby boy and are settled in our own home.. I feel like Tom and I won't know ourselves anymore.. it will be like all the stress of the past few years will be lifted off our shoulders).
Yesterday, our dream house popped up in the suburb we have been looking at and at the right price. It's opposite a park, 5 minutes walk from the local primary school with wooden floor boards and lots of light. Plus there is a little studio out the back.. perfect for fulfilling my ultimate fantasy.. a sewing room! (See above.. isn't she pretty?!)
I called the bank straight away. Tom is telling me not to get my hopes up to high as it is the first house we have seriously considered and to be honest, the timing is not quite right (it would have to sit there empty until I have this baby) but...
It's pretty exciting none the less. For someone who has never lived in a house that was 'my own' (my parents could never afford to buy and we moved about 10 times in 15 years because we were in government housing) it's so exciting to be so close to finally living in a place that I can really call 'home'.
that looks lovely. good luck! i reckon the only way we could ever afford a house would be to do the same thing and move in with the parentals. or have my mum win the lotto.
wow that house looks gorgeous! fingers crossed, hope you get it!
It's beautiful indeed! Perhaps I should move to perth hehe. You could always ask for a long settlement.....you never know what THEIR next move is?? Rememeber though, all things happen for a reason.......xx
It's gorgeous. I'm sure it wouldn't mind being empty until your ready :)
That looks pretty gorgeous Katie. What fun you will have setting up your own home again!
Katie, it is absolutely beautiful. What a gorgeous family sanctuary xxx
Anna (fields-of-sage.blogspot.com)
That house above is beautiful Katie, it has so many elements of what I would put on a list for my 'dream house' - gorgeous verandah top sit out on, weatherboard and tin roof look, elements of timber etc. I really hope things work out for you all and that if this one isn't meant to be, something even better and even more perfectly suited comes your way. It sounds as though even though you aren't in your own home yet, staying with family has been a great thing for you all given your circumstances xx
Good luck. She is lovely. I have my fingers crossed for you.
Best of luck. The house looks dreamy. I love the enclosed verandah. I agree with at No. 32 that things happen for a reason. :)
it's a beauty, for sure.
ask what the vendor's plans are. they may well be after a long settlement or looking to rent it back for a while.
I'm SO excited for you!! That is such a gorgeous house - exactly the kind of thing i love too - and if it's where i think it is, i'm doubly envious! will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers hun - hope it works out!
Your dream house looks gorgeous Kate. Good luck with the Bank I do hope that the house becomes yours. xx
What a journey you've been on! Good luck on the home front - it's just gorgeous!! Mel x
My fingers are crossed for you. The house looks perfect, I love a nice front porch. Our house sat empty for 5 months before we moved in. We used that time to fix it up. Best wishes.
Sometimes the best things come when you think the timing isn't quite right, but it somewho works out. I wish you best of luck and I hope this dream comes true. It looks beautiful. x
i will cross my fingers that you get the house -- and oh my gosh, it's beautiful!
I sure understand where you're coming from. I also moved about 10 times in 15 years (no kidding). But that was because we always needed a cheaper rent.
A few years ago I bought a house. I was lucky enough to marry a guy who already has a lovely big house too.
So, I totally wish you the best of luck!!! If not this house, hopefully another one -SOON.
That house! Dream house, that's for sure. I'll cross my fingers for you. Kellie xx
Perhaps the current owners might be open to a long settlement if they have not yet found their dream home? It's worth asking. I'm glad all those dreams are becoming a reality for you and your family.
good luck! it sounds like you very much deserve a lovely little house of your own.
The house is gorgeous Katie. Your tone of patience in your posts is remarkable, I know your bed rest is for the most supreme reason but oh how it must be difficult at times. I agree with all comments, my fingers crossed your dream becomes reality! X
Fingers crossed that you get this lovely new home!
Excuse me while I just fall off my chair! Absolute dream home. I'm just like you - get SO excited about things when they are aren't a reality yet....but dreaming is a wonderful thing. And you of all people know that dreams come true x
Hi Katie. Call me if you need a hand.Love to help if I can. Mark Lendich
I'm glad, that you finally found your dream house, Katie. Don’t lose hope; I’m sure you can also purchase this alluring house. Why don’t you try to negotiate with the owner for a lower price? You can also borrow money from lending companies. With burning desire and determination, you can also buy your dream house.
Randy Robinson
Oh Katie, that house is perfect! With a baby along the way, all that outdoor space would be great! How did your meeting with the bank officials go? I hope everything went well. Just sit tight, and I am sure you will be able to purchase your dream home soon. :)
“Yesterday, our dream house popped up in the suburb we have been looking at and at the right price.”--- It’s really a great feeling once you’ve found the ideal house for your family. I remember when my sister bought her dream house. She was really happy about it and it really shows in her. She couldn’t hide the excitement because it was really the house she’s been eyeing and she was able to have it.
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