Most of the time I am surprised how easy bed rest has been, as in, I am able to keep myself busy during the day and other than being very sore physically, I don't have much to complain about..
But, every so often I have a really bad day. A day when I feel like I am going out-of-my-mind-crazy and if I have to spend a second longer in this bloody bed I am going to scream.
I wonder if this is what it feels like to be in jail? I am like a prisoner of my own bed room.
Sophie is having a really hard time at the moment too. She is starting to get really frustrated that I am in bed all day. Sometimes she falls to the floor next to the bed and wails "why mummy? Can't you please just get out of bed?" and she is getting so sick of being shifted to different friends, family and babysitters every day of the week. A few days ago one of my friends actually had to pry her arms from around my neck in order to take her for a playdate. And these are friends and family that she would have jumped at the chance to go play with just a few months ago.
Obviously, poor little Sophie is in desperate need of some more mummy/ home time, and while we spend every evening together reading stories before she goes to bed it's impossible for me to look after her during the day unless there is someone else here to get her food and help her with things.
Luckily though, we are so close to getting through this!
In just 6 more weeks I'll be able to do so much more.. I'll be able to eat meals at the table with everyone else (woo hoo!), I suspect that I will be able to mind Sophie myself because I'll be able to get out of bed to make her lunch (very quickly) and my obstetrician said that even a quick trip to the local park is not out of the question (as long as Tom drives me there and I don't walk too far).
I can not wait!
And of course, I just have to keep reminding myself why I am here lying in bed all day and what I am going to get at the end.. Can you imagine the second I get to hold my healthy little (alive!) boy in my arms?
My gosh.. it's going to be absolutely incredible!
*Photo of me on my way to my obstetrician a few days ago.. it's the only time that I am allowed out of bed and I literally count down the
Hang in there, Sophie will soon be able to hug and play with you off the bed and it will be soooo worth it xx
You are doing so well and you're wonderful for your dedication so you can bring your healthy little boy into this world.
PS You're glowing too.
you look great! excited for you :)
How fabulous do you look - just stunning!
aww, I feel for miss sophie. and you too. looking lovely though. yay for 6 weeks to being vertical!
wow...for someone who is bedridden you look amazing! i didn't look that good and i was allowed to be up and about. you are doing such a terrific job.
poor sophie, my heart goes out to her.
I have just recently found your blog and I am so glad I did! Your strength, courage and perseverance is inspiring.
Glad to hear you get to break out of jail soon : )
Beautiful picture!
Great to see your happy face. It must be wonderful to have a bit of a stretch and move a bit -- your poor back! 30 weeks really will be a magical mark and hopefully the time will pass much more quickly then, for Sophie as well.
Great to see your happy face. It must be wonderful to have a bit of a stretch and move a bit -- your poor back! 30 weeks really will be a magical mark and hopefully the time will pass much more quickly then, for Sophie as well.
Oh I cant even imagine the sensory overload finally getting out of the house; I am sure 30 weeks will be just around the corner....
What a beautiful smile! It sounds so exciting .
You look so radiant Katie. Getting outside must feel just amazing. If you are able to get hold of a birthing pool, floating in it might give your aching body some relief. That's what I did after three unwashed days on the couch - I stayed in for two hours! Good luck getting through this final stretch, all of you. xx
Poor Sophie, it must be hard for her to understand. And poor you, bed rest would drive me crazy I'm sure :) Hang it there, the six weeks will be up before you know it.
You look gorgeous in that shot above, glowing :)
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