Whoa.. It has been a very busy week!
We officially became proud first home owners on Monday. We picked up the keys an hour after settlement and went and had a picnic on the floor of our new (and empty) home. My gosh, I can not wait till we move in!
On Wednesday we moved all our furniture (that had been sitting in storage for the last 18 months) into the house and the plan is to spend this weekend unpacking and setting up the house so that we can move straight in as soon as baby arrives.
And as if that wasn't enough excitement for one week.. this morning I went and had my cervical stitch removed. I can't tell you how relieved I am to have made it to this point and how exciting it is to be so close to meeting this little man. (I will be 37 weeks on Saturday).
I went from 0 to 3cm dilated within 10 seconds of the stitch being removed. Apparently about 90% of women go into labour within 24 hours.. I have had contractions on and off all day and my doctor thinks I will be back at the hospital pretty soon.
I was so excited last night (and a little nervous) that I could hardly sleep.
The hospital bag is packed, the grandparents are on call..
And now.. we just wait! Eek!
(This photo was taken at 33 weeks.. I can't believe my belly is even bigger now. and my face is even rounder!)
Been thinking of you today actually Katie knowing you were getting that stitch out :) So much happening over your way and such exciting times ahead! I couldn't be happier for you and will be eagerly awaiting your wonderful news. Big hugs xx
oh my goodness katie, I am so so happy for you, I can understand why you can't sleep from the excitement! best wishes for safe and speedy delivery, look forward to hearing the good news when your little guy decides to arrive x
Oh I can feel your emotionS over the week with this stories! Maybe on your next post it will be two in one(?)my prayers for you.:)
Such great news! so very exciting and prayers that all goes well of course ... you look fab btw. :)
Oh, I am so happy for you! And congratulations on the house, a new home for your (soon-to-be) new family of four!
Wishing you all the very best for the safe arrival of your little man - oh the joys of new born cuddles.
Looking forward to your next update !
Wishing you a wonderful birth Katie (if it hasn't already happened!!). Enjoy those first precious, delicious moments with your baby boy.
Rachel xo
best of luck to you and I hope it all goes well!!
Exciting times! Wishing you all the very best with the new little arrival xo
Thinking of you and wishing you all the best for the safe arrival of your little boy. And a new house to top if off ... icing on the cake!
A big and exciting week.
All the very, very best with the arrival of your little baby boy. How exciting.
You deserve all the very best.
PS You look beautiful in this photo.
how exciting. you look amazing...wishing you all the best in the nest few weeks x
I send you the best of luck and love your way! This is such a magical and exciting time right now and you deserve everything to go well. I believe it will! Blessings to you and your little family. -Your reader from Portugal :)
So many exciting & life changing moments coming up for you Katie! Good luck for the birth of your baby boy :) I'll be waiting for details from Kate when he arrives! :) <3 Rosie
So wonderful that all is well! Can't wait to see your beautiful little man. Enjoy that lovely new house feeling too :) x
Wow, congrat's on so many levels Katie!
You have done this all so well - & what a beautiful & happy ending to come.
Don't worry, everything works out perfectly xox
Congratulations! I look forward to reading of the arrival of your little one.
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