I had a little party on the weekend to celebrate the fact that I had made it to 34 weeks and that I survived months of bed rest. I also just wanted an excuse to catch up with all my girlfriends, many whom I had not seen since I fell pregnant.
Tom spent the entire morning cleaning the house and baking. He made his signature flour-less chocolate cake, my favourite mandarin, lime and yoghurt cake and a few other yummy treats.
Tom's mum made an orange and almond cake (she makes one for us almost every time we head up to the farm.. she picks the oranges off the tree in the morning and boils them for hours before using them to make the cake.. It is so good, I'll make sure I grab the recipe off her next time I see her).
We spent the afternoon chatting, drinking tea and eating cake. It was so lovely and of course, I got absolutely spoilt with gorgeous baby gifts. I didn't have a baby shower with Sophie (I always felt it was a bit self-indulgent) but this time around I felt that I had so much to celebrate that an afternoon of eating cake was necessary!
Unfortunately though, I didn't manage to take any photos which is such a shame because Tom had been to the flower markets in the morning and the whole place (including the table setting) looked so lovely. I did however, take this photo the next day when we were still eating cake (well actually, Tom is sugar free at the moment, so I took it upon myself to finish the entire cake on my own! Oops!)
oh yum! so glad you had a sprinkle :)
So glad you had a lovely baby shower honey! You absolutely deserved to celebrate! Getting through your bed rest is an epic acheivement!
So very deserved. So happy for you that you had a lovely day and was showered with cake, gifts and flowers. :)
Congratulations lovely pregnant mama on your milestone & your beautiful baby shower. You deserve all the indulgence & lavish loving, & cake!
And just quietly, I felt so proud to hear that you polished off the rest of the cake (that by the way looks yumballs! recipes please)- I am just so relieved to know that I'm not the only one who can put away a whole (or half) cake on her own... but I'm not pregnant (yet) so what's my excuse..... I'll get back to you on that one, ha!
Take care of yourself, he'll be here soon, healthy & happy xox
oh yum
Oh it looks lovely. Yes, you deserve to celebrate!
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