I can't believe that little Henry is 8 weeks old already! He is such a wonderful little baby.. so happy and sleeping so well at night. He is sleeping about 8 hours straight most nights, which is almost unbelievable to me as Sophie was still waking up two or three times a night when she was 9 months old!
Sophie is starting to settle down a bit. She is still a bit of a terror at the moment but with Henry sleeping so well I feel that I am able to cope with her behaviour a bit more (everything is so much harder when you are sleep deprived!)
We are still spending most of our days at home and trying not to venture out too far. Walking Sophie to school or visiting a friend who lives nearby is as far as I go most days. I wish that I could say that I have been busy making delicious things in the kitchen and pottering around in the garden, but the reality is that trying to have a shower, organise something for dinner and keep the house from looking like a complete mess takes up majority of my day.
(Does anyone else feel like they spend their entire life cleaning up? Sometimes I only just finish the dishes from lunch and it's time to start making dinner! Someone told me the other day that cleaning a house with kids is like trying to brush your teeth with a mouth full of Oreos! Haha.. it's so true!)
I have a new found respect for my friends that have two or more kids -it is hard, but at the same time I would not change it for the world!
It is such a constant task the preparing and cleaning up of food! You are doing marvellous work with those little people of yours and if all are fed, bathed (perhaps not you) and loved then tell yourself is was a good day. Your poppets are so very beautiful! And oh how sleep is an antidote for so many things. Wishing you calm and slow days with your babies. Take care and much love.
Steph :) x
(from mon petit poppet...I've moved my blog...weeeee!)
Hi Katie, nice to get a little update. Have been thinking of you! Gosh he's adorable - and look at him smiling there. Your kids are gorgeous. Yes, a fair majority of my day involves cleaning, cutting up fruit, preparing meals, ferrying kids around etc and by the end of the day it can still look like I've achieved nothing. So, don't worry, just enjoy your gorgeous baby, get lots of sleep, you can do more around the house later and try and embrace the chaos if you can. Mel xx
oh yes, so true my friend, so true. I think it took max about 6 months to get used to rose. I was really dismayed by his behaviour at first especially because alex seemed to adjust so seamlessly to max (although he was 10 so...)for me it was going from the 2-3 kids which has been soooo challenging. anyway, I'm glad Mr Henry is 'doing his nights' (have you read French Children Don't Throw Food?). thinking of you. x
p.s he's darling!
Oh Katie, cleaning up seems to be a non-stop part of my days at the moment too. With my Sophie on the move, she seems to leave a trail of destruction wherever she goes and no sooner have I tidied up something that she's pulled out, than I have another thing to have to deal with. And as for meals, I find preparing, cooking and cleaning up seems to take up the majority of my time these days.
I too barely left the house for months after Sophie was born. I preferred simple days at home just trying to get through the essentials and spending as much time with my girls as I could :)
How great Henry is such a good sleeper, I agree that not feeling sleep deprived makes everything else easier to cope with. He is such a sweetie and Sophie is looking gorgeous as always too.
I have been wondering about you for a few weeks now. I stumbled upon your blog during the beginning of your bed rest and have not had a chance to stumble back until today. I am so thrilled to see the joy you are experiencing with your new little boy! What a miracle! Congratulations!
Oh thank goodness it's not just me. I feel so incredibly disorganised, but I've realised that's just how life is with three little ones. Most days, I enjoy the choas (as long as it's tidy choas). I hope you get some sleep soon. xx
Yes yes yes to it all. My youngest pair are nearly three and it's all still chaotic in our home. Your babes are beautiful xx
So cute!!
Love it! :)
He is so cute. Sending sleep vibes your way. cleaning is usually number 1, 2, 3 & 4 on my to do list yet it still never seems to be enough.
Such sweet young lad. Love to think your house full of your little ones giggles. Got my eye on your next posts.
Henry is a handsome little boy.
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