Here are the photos I promised of our new place! We settle in just under a month but when we actually move in will depend on when this little baby decides to arrive. (It's going to be a crazy few weeks when we have a baby and move house at the same time but I promise I will not complain a single bit!)
Tom and I had our heart set on buying a weatherboard house with wooden floorboards inside, a decent kitchen, a bit of space outside for kids to run around and room to build a little veggie patch. We had been researching different areas around Perth and prices since we moved here over a year ago so we had a pretty good idea of what we wanted.
Although I have to admit that while this house ticked all our boxes, it's not the type of house I thought we would end up buying.. Tom and I both really love old rambling places with overgrown gardens and lots of character. We both found this house a bit too "clean" and we were devastated to learn that the house used to have about 4 beautiful mature gum trees in the garden that had been pulled out before it was renovated.
But, we decided that buying a simple, clean house provides the perfect canvas to create the type of home we want from scratch. We can't wait to cover the walls in artworks and have a garden full of trees and veggies and do all those little things that will help turn this house into a home.
(The first thing I am going to do though is remove those ridiculous letters from above the bathtub!)
Oh Katie- this is gorgeous!!! So, so happy for you! I totally agree about older houses- we own a little miners cottage built in 1890 with a lot of character. Its wonderful, but has a lot of annoying quirks. This looks perfect! xx
it is a beautiful home and a great starting point! all the best in filling it with lovely things :)
melynda x
Hey !!
So freaking excited! Sorry I haven't written an email for a while but you have been in my thoughts. The house looks fabulous! You have found a gem. It's my style (yes I am jealous)..You will have your hands full in the next few weeks but it will be awesome. Take Care..
Kristina xx
It is just gorgeous! I too love older timber houses with floorboards. We are inthe middle of pulling up carpet in ours- and low and behold there are polished boards underneath!m: ) love it! As for the veggie patch, you might find using the raised beds made from water tank materials would work- you could just put some on top of the paving! Enjoy all the good times ahead. X
I love it! Especially those leadlight doors! Though quite plainly decorated, think of it as the perfect blank canvas. At least all the hard work is already done and there is plenty of scope in the garden for more trees (without the worry that a gumtree will come down in a storm!) Exciting times for you :)
Oh Katie, it's lovely and don't worry because the 'character things' you were hoping for can all be added along the way once you move in. I think it's already pretty darn cute, but you'll be able to add more character and create a welcoming, warm homely place for your little family. I can already picture you on that lawn with Sophie running around and your precious bub next to you on a rug :) I can't wait to see the little touches you add to make it your own xx
oh my goodness. that is pretty much my dream house :) I'm so happy for you guys! What a super exciting time! i'm so glad you'll be moving into your own place soon - and it's so wonderful that you'll probably be there just before baby comes!
It looks like a lovely house Katie, so glad that everything is falling into place for you. xx
hahhaa, I am with you on the letter-decor in the bathroom. but that kitchen! that porch! what a gorgeous place!
this is a gorgeous blank canvas to work with, I'm sure you will make it homely in no time. I have to agree on the letters though, I never really did get that whole labelling thing. Obviously it's a bath, right?
It's so beautiful. There is nothing quite like a weatherboard. I laughed at what you wrote about the word bath. I just don't understand that decorating concept. It's not like you are going to forget what room you are in and where the bath is. Maybe you just need to add an arrow pointing down to the bath.
Very exciting times ahead. It will be amazing when you move in. Fab kitchen too.
yay! it looks gorgeous :)
But how will you know where the bath is if you take the letters down?
What a beautiful home! Congratulations x
It looks lovely and it looks like you have plenty of yard out the front and beautiful roses. Our curent house didn't have everything I would have liked (like timber floors) either but plenty of other benefits that other houses in the area didn't and way more affordable. We had pavers everywhere too and no trees so that is a work in progress but I have sold a lot of the pavers off on ebay so you could do that in time and convert the cash into plants. I am working on creating a jungle where the pavers used to be. I love the kitchen too - good luck with everything!
It looks so lovely! A perfect blank canvas for you to make your own....without the tears of a reno!. And with a new bubby..so, so liveable. Just move right on in. SO very excited for you and your delightful little family. Soak up all this magic lovely girl :) x
You don't need anymore stress with the home purchase and what I see is a clean beautiful first-home. You are very lucky indeed. All it needs is the love of a new family.
Minus those letters which spell the obvious :)
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